I am not a kid person-whether that means baby, in-between, or teenager. I admire people who can laugh and play with children and actually enjoy it. God must have given those people a special gift that He didn't bestow upon me. Well, a little over a month ago, between the inspiration of a rare spontaneity, the Holy Spirit, and the testimony of a servant-hearted friend, I decided that I wanted to volunteer at our church's youth group until I left for grad school this fall.
The weekend I was planning on talking to the youth pastors about it, I had the whole house to myself. "I'll just relax at home on Sunday morning and read my Bible a little," I thought. But I woke up early from natural causes like usual, and by the time I had done a load of laundry and showered, I noticed that I still had time to make it to church. With a beating heart, I decided, "Okay, I'll do it." At the end of the service I forced myself to introduce myself to the youth pastors and express my interest. She gave me a funny look, and I thought, "Oh good, they don't need me". But she said, "That's funny, we've been wanting people who will help serve the youth."
Tonight was my third night. Every Sunday morning I dread having to spend my day off at church, but every evening I come home full of God's presence and totally glad that I went. I'm a naturally shy person, even around kids 10 years younger than me. I've been trying to observe the dynamics of it all. It's not the best youth group I've ever been to. The first hour we play games and hang out, the second hour there is a message, but the third hour...that's what makes it all worth it. The third hour is devoted to worship and ministering to one another and intentionally listening to what God is speaking to each one of us. It is amazing how much farther ahead spiritually some of these kids are than I was at their age. They actively listen for God's voice, then journal it or encourage another with the word they received. They are practicing and living out a multi-dimensional relationship with the living God, and they act as if that's normal!
The other kids I pray for. A and A didn't show up tonight, they're the type who dress in all black and don't talk much. Then there are D and C, who need to stop worrying what the other thinks about them and focus on what God thinks of them. E is in the shadow of his spiritually-mature brother, still trying to figure out if he really believes in all this. S is new, but he will do anything to fit in...kinda reminds me of my littlest brother. In fact, this experience has helped me much more in knowing what to pray for my brothers. When I walk into youth group, I feel like every kid is wearing a mask. If only they knew the freedom they could have if they dropped the facade and decided that they must get a hold of God's presence in their lives...no matter what. What can we do to get them to open up and be real? How do we get past the surface into what they're really dealing with in their lives? A smile doesn't mean everything is okay.
I am also not a very expressive person...especially when it comes to dancing. But I've been realizing more and more lately, "What have I to lose?"...well, only more time that I could have in the abundant life with Him. So I danced tonight, and to some Scottish highland music, no less-haha!! Okay, so maybe it's easier in a group of kids than with peers or those older than me. They already think I'm crazy or super spiritual or something. I don't have to live up to a preconceived notion with any of them. They don't know me yet, so I can be who I want to be. I want to be real and genuine. I just want to be available. I know I only have a few months with them, I know I'm not going to revolutionize the youth group at True Life Fellowship, but I'm here for the time being, and God can use me if He wants to.
I think that is one of the reasons ministry wasn't successful for me in Kenya. Instead of being willing to be used where I was at, whatever that looked like, I kept trying to "find my nitch". I never found it, and I wasted a lot more than time there. The reality is, is that here at the youth group, the situation is not much different. Youth are most definitely not my "nitch", and I'm still not some super spiritual person. In fact, the only difference between here and Kenya is that we can speak English and have air conditioning. Oh wait...but one more thing...I'm making myself available.
Tonight a young girl came and sat beside me while I was worshipping. Seba (pronounced "Shaybah" which is Hebrew for "daughter of royalty") asked, "Is God speaking anything to you?" I answered, "Yeah, well, He is more, like, washing over me. I've had a pretty stressful week, and He is just filling me with His peace." She nodded and went quiet. "What about you?" She shook her head. "No, I'm trying, but I just can't hear Him." "Do you want to?", I asked. "Yes." So I prayed for her. "Do you think you can hear Him now?" "I think so a little." She thanked me and returned to her seat. I kept worshipping, but looked back a little while later to see her filling her journal with His words to her.
During the week I'm busy. It is hard to have a genuine time with Jesus every day besides a short Bible reading. I'm learning how to walk with Him and be faithful in the everyday tasks of life, and to truly listen for His voice, expecting Him to talk with me. On Sunday nights I don't come to youth group with a huge revelation or extra spiritual power...I just come available. If God wants to use me, He can. And these kids who are struggling to walk this path and figure out their relationship with God, well, I can pray for them.
a couple of the youth during worship